Kelayakan Abu Terbang PLTU Buntoi Sebagai Campuran Beton Geopolimer

Feasibility Of Flying Ash Of PLTU Buntoi As A Geopolimary Concrete Mixture


  • Dadang Suriyana Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Liliana Sahay Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Okta Meilawaty Universitas Palangka Raya



Abu Terbang, Beton Geopolimer, Geopolimer, NaOH, Na2SiO3


The main basic ingredients needed for the manufacture of this geopolymer material are materials that contain a lot of silica and aluminia elements. The 1st stage test was carried out to determine the geopolymer paste with the maximum compressive strength at the ratio of NaOH to Na2SiO3 of 1; 1.5; 2; 2.5. The second stage of testing was carried out using a geopolymer paste with the highest compressive strength, namely the ratio of NaOH to Na2SiO3 of 2.5 with a compressive strength of 22.56 MPa. Based on the results of the compressive strength test, the maximum compressive strength at the age of 28 days is 7.64 MPa. The results of the compressive strength of concrete are much lower than the compressive strength of the paste, it shows that the paste does not bind too much with the aggregate. This is evidenced by the results of the compressive strength of conventional concrete which is much higher than that of geopolymer concrete using the same aggregate. With the results of the maximum compressive strength at the age of 28 days is 29.51 MPa.


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Author Biographies

Dadang Suriyana, Universitas Palangka Raya

Student of Civil Engineering, Universitas Palangka Raya

Liliana Sahay, Universitas Palangka Raya

Lecturer of Civil Engineering, Universitas Palangka Raya

Okta Meilawaty, Universitas Palangka Raya

Lecturer of Civil Engineering, Universitas Palangka Raya


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How to Cite

Suriyana, D., Sahay, L., & Meilawaty, O. (2021). Kelayakan Abu Terbang PLTU Buntoi Sebagai Campuran Beton Geopolimer: Feasibility Of Flying Ash Of PLTU Buntoi As A Geopolimary Concrete Mixture. Media Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, 9(2), 102–108.