Analisis Kinerja dan Pengaruh Pelebaran Jalan serta Pembuatan Median Jalan (Studi Kasus Jalan Temanggung Tilung Kota Palangkaraya)

Analysis of Performance and Effects of Road Widening and Median Road Making (Case Study of Jalan Temanggung Tilung, Palangkaraya City)


  • Fitri Wulandari Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya
  • Nirwana Puspasari Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya
  • Noviyanthy Handayani Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya



Jalan Temanggung Tilung, kinerja ruas jalan, tingkat pelayanan


Jalan Temanggung Tilung is a 2/2 UD type road (two undirected two-way lanes) with a road width of 5.5 meters, which is a connecting road between two major roads, namely the RTA road. Milono and the path of G. Obos. Over time, the volume of traffic through these roads increases every year, plus roadside activities that also increase cause congestion at several points of the way. To overcome this problem, the local government carried out road widening to increase the capacity and level of road services. The study was conducted to determine the amount of traffic volume, performance, service level of the Temanggung Tilung road section at peak traffic hours before and after road widening. Data retrieval is done by the direct survey to the field to obtain primary data in the form of geometric road data, two-way traffic volume data, and side obstacle data. Performance analysis refers to the 1997 Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) for urban roads. From the results of data processing, before increasing the road (Type 2/2 UD), the traffic volume that passes through the path is 842 pcs/hour and after road widening (Type 4/2 UD) the traffic volume for two directions is 973 pcs/hour, with route A equaling 528 pcs/hour and direction B equaling 445 pcs/hour. Based on the analysis of road performance before road enhancement, the capacity = 2551 pcs/hour, saturation degree = 0.331, and the service level of the two-way road are level B. Based on the analysis of the performance of the way after increasing the way, the direction capacity A = 2686 pcs/hour and direction B = 2674 pcs /hour, saturation degree for direction A = 0.196 and direction B = 0.166, service level for road direction A and direction B increase to level A


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Author Biographies

Fitri Wulandari, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Student of Civil Engineering Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Nirwana Puspasari, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Senior Lecturer of Civil Engineering

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Noviyanthy Handayani, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Lecturer of Civil Engineering

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya


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How to Cite

Wulandari, F., Puspasari, N., & Handayani, N. (2018). Analisis Kinerja dan Pengaruh Pelebaran Jalan serta Pembuatan Median Jalan (Studi Kasus Jalan Temanggung Tilung Kota Palangkaraya): Analysis of Performance and Effects of Road Widening and Median Road Making (Case Study of Jalan Temanggung Tilung, Palangkaraya City). Media Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, 7(1), 51–60.