Pelatihan Usaha Tani Microgreens bagi Ibu Rumah Tangga

Microgreens Farming Business Training for Housewives


  • Reny Sukmawani Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
  • Neneng Kartika Rini Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
  • Inda Asri Supiati Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
  • Ema Hilma Meilani Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
  • Amalia Nur Milla Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
  • Endang Tri Astutiningsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi



Housewife, Microgreens, Training


This Community Service is entitled Microgreens Farming Business Training for Housewives in Sukabumi. The empowerment of housewives is intended to produce the potential of housewives, in addition to being able to carry out domestic or domestic duties. Housewives are also able to be active and productive in public activities and economic activities. Microgreens are vegetable seeds that are harvested very young, 7-14 days after germinating and young leaves appear. The method used in this service is the training method; namely, before carrying out direct practice, participants understand through theory first. The training participants were housewives from several women's organizations in Sukabumi. This community service is the acquisition of skills of housewives in farming microgreens and the increasing role of housewives in family welfare through the provision of healthy vegetables for the family.


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How to Cite

Sukmawani, R., Rini, N. K., Supiati, I. A., Meilani, E. H., Milla, A. N., & Astutiningsih, E. T. (2020). Pelatihan Usaha Tani Microgreens bagi Ibu Rumah Tangga: Microgreens Farming Business Training for Housewives. PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 5(4), 410–415.